
Websites you didn’t know you needed

Websites you didn’t know you needed

Aug 13, 2024 | 9:19am
This is a fun one to play around. It also makes you realize that we’ve been lied to for our entire lives. THETRUESIZE.COM All you do is type in the name of a country and then you can see its actual size compared to other countries. My favourite example is how we’ve been lied to […]
Websites you didn’t know you needed

Websites you didn’t know you needed

Jun 14, 2024 | 9:03am
I’m back with the third installment of Websites You Didn’t Know You Needed. I thought I’d do it every week, but sometimes it’s tough to find truly inspiring websites to share with you. Now I’m not sure I’ll ever find another website better than this one! This one is more of an extension for your […]
Cheap Vacations This Summer

Cheap Vacations This Summer

May 29, 2024 | 7:20am
Money is tight for everyone right now and when that happens, the “extras” are the first things that get slashed from a household budget. And unfortunately, family trips are usually among those “extras”. That’s where the Harvard Media Fun in the Sun Summer Auction comes in. You can bid on some sweet vacations and end […]
Random Song of The Week

Random Song of The Week

Apr 19, 2024 | 2:47pm
I was a teenager in the PRIME wave of metal/hardcore music I’m talking walls of death, picking up pennies and blowing your neck out at breakdowns while someone in the band would flip their guitar over and it would say like “have hope” on it Heavy music has always been something I’ve enjoyed and one […]
The Best Yet Saddest Weekend of the Year

The Best Yet Saddest Weekend of the Year

Apr 15, 2024 | 6:15am
This time of year is always bittersweet for me. We’re saying goodbye to the ski season for yet another year. Luckily we’re spoiled in this neck of the woods and we get to ski right up until May Long weekend at Sunshine, and well into April at Lake Louise, however in BC – this weekend […]
Random Song of The Week

Random Song of The Week

Apr 12, 2024 | 11:08am
This week I’m featuring a song by my ALL TIME FAVOURITE BAND… Manchester Orchestra This tune was released as a single in 2023 and quickly became my ALL TIME favourite tune from the band. The song this week is…. Emotional lyrics, great musicianship and the way the song slowly builds throughout the duration gets me […]
You can tell a lot about a person with these 3 things!

You can tell a lot about a person with these 3 things!

Apr 11, 2024 | 8:11am
More often than not people will ask you about your favourite things. What is your favourite food? If you were stuck on an island, what three albums would you have with you? Are you a cat or a dog person? The questions are endless. Often these questions are a positive approach to things. But I […]
I’m FIRED UP for the Fallout Show

I’m FIRED UP for the Fallout Show

Apr 9, 2024 | 12:03pm
I don’t think there has been a show I’ve been this excited about since the last new season of Trailer Park Boys on Showcase (the good old days) . The entire first season drops on tomorrow over on Amazon One of the big reasons why I’m so excited is because Fallout (specifically Fallout 4 and […]
Cotton Candy Stinks

Cotton Candy Stinks

Apr 5, 2024 | 3:46pm
I don’t think there is a MORE overrated sweet treat that exists in the world. Look, I understand the initial appeal of cotton candy… I remember being a chubby little blonde haired boy wandering around a parking lot carnival in Oshawa, Ontario. Looking up and seeing a magical bright pink candy cloud for the first […]
Random Song of The Week

Random Song of The Week

Apr 5, 2024 | 9:41am
I wanted to start dipping my toe into the pool of talking about music (inflates metaphorical water wings) with you beautiful people. Once a week I’m going to highlight a random song that I love. This week it’s going to be my favourite Beatles song of ALL TIME….. Rocky Racoon is off of the Beatles […]

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