
Random Song of The Week

Random Song of The Week

Apr 19, 2024 | 2:47pm
I was a teenager in the PRIME wave of metal/hardcore music I’m talking walls of death, picking up pennies and blowing your neck out at breakdowns while someone in the band would flip their guitar over and it would say like “have hope” on it Heavy music has always been something I’ve enjoyed and one […]
Random Song of The Week

Random Song of The Week

Apr 12, 2024 | 11:08am
This week I’m featuring a song by my ALL TIME FAVOURITE BAND… Manchester Orchestra This tune was released as a single in 2023 and quickly became my ALL TIME favourite tune from the band. The song this week is…. Emotional lyrics, great musicianship and the way the song slowly builds throughout the duration gets me […]
I’m FIRED UP for the Fallout Show

I’m FIRED UP for the Fallout Show

Apr 9, 2024 | 12:03pm
I don’t think there has been a show I’ve been this excited about since the last new season of Trailer Park Boys on Showcase (the good old days) . The entire first season drops on tomorrow over on Amazon One of the big reasons why I’m so excited is because Fallout (specifically Fallout 4 and […]
Cotton Candy Stinks

Cotton Candy Stinks

Apr 5, 2024 | 3:46pm
I don’t think there is a MORE overrated sweet treat that exists in the world. Look, I understand the initial appeal of cotton candy… I remember being a chubby little blonde haired boy wandering around a parking lot carnival in Oshawa, Ontario. Looking up and seeing a magical bright pink candy cloud for the first […]
Random Song of The Week

Random Song of The Week

Apr 5, 2024 | 9:41am
I wanted to start dipping my toe into the pool of talking about music (inflates metaphorical water wings) with you beautiful people. Once a week I’m going to highlight a random song that I love. This week it’s going to be my favourite Beatles song of ALL TIME….. Rocky Racoon is off of the Beatles […]
Sean’s Top 10 Long Movies

Sean’s Top 10 Long Movies

Apr 4, 2024 | 1:42pm
I was talking to my buddy about our favourite LONG movies last night. So I decided to slap together my own “Top 10 Long Movies” list. All of the movies have to be over 3 hours long. Now with my list there are some important things to note. I haven’t seen Oppenheimer. I haven’t watch […]
Box City Box Box City (House Adventures With Sean Pt.3)

Box City Box Box City (House Adventures With Sean Pt.3)

Apr 2, 2024 | 12:14pm
My apartment has turned into Box City It’s always weird going through all of your stuff when you’re moving. We’ve lived in our current spot for the last 5 years. It’s amazing some of the random stuff I’ve found. Here are a few of them… This poster was from my wife’s bachelorette party (god I […]
Is This Too Many Crackers?

Is This Too Many Crackers?

Mar 28, 2024 | 2:26pm
This week my wife was rifling her lunch together. The star of the show was a large can of soup. But I noticed during the assembly process of her noon hour feast that she was bringing a lot crackers for her soup…. like a lot of crackers… Is this too many crackers? I count 14 […]
House Adventures With Sean Pt.2

House Adventures With Sean Pt.2

Mar 26, 2024 | 10:00am
Lawyer?…..barely even know her Went and met with our lawyer (chill dude had a great suit) today to cross the T’s and dot the….lower case j’s ALL DONE GOTTA HOUSE After going over payments, the mortgage and taxes we are GOOD TO GO. I will say meetings like this one make me even more grateful […]

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