X Mornings

X92.9’s The Beckler and Seanna Podcast is your daily download of what you missed on X Mornings with Beckler and Seanna heard daily on Calgary’s Alternative X929. So if you slept in, or simply can’t do the morning thing, we’ll forgive ya once you hit subscribe!

Best of X Mornings

Recently Played

  1. 11:38pmGet HappyMatt Maeson
  2. 11:33pm1986The Darcys
  3. 11:28pmFireBlack Pumas
  4. 11:25pmMess To MakeJJ Wilde
  5. 11:17pmBlack To GoldDear Rouge
  6. 11:13pmNobody's SoldierHozier
  7. 11:09pmKD and Lunch MeatBoy Golden
  8. 11:03pmFavouriteFontaines D.C.
  9. 11:00pmMr. BrightsideThe Killers
  10. 10:55pmWhat It's LikeEverlast